Thursday, November 7, 2013

With so much happening off the NFL field, I cant wait to do my first show!  My first show will be on Wed  Nov 13th at 6:00 PM. You don't want to miss it as I have two great NFL players lines up to discuss Bullying in the locker room and how rookies are overpowered by tenured teammates.  Also retired NFL wide receiver Freddy Mitchell is blaming concussions on his impeding jail time!  I know a ton of players who played with Freddy at UCLA as well as in the NFL.  Give me a break Freddy as you were not exactly the model citizen in the earlier days.  Again, I can't wait, as my guests are extremely candid about today's NFL and the current issues being covered by national media!
One Love
Sr. VPetee - go there and listen Wed 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM!

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